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How to Dive Into Meditation During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Writer: LunitaLunita

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

With an upsurge in positive tests and the New Year here, let's take a look at a tried and true method of self-care from our first guest poster, April Meyers from Mind Body Health Solution.

Three beings with circles and plants for heads practice meditation with arms held in peaceful state
Art By: Ludvig Loken (IG:

Have you been feeling especially anxious and frustrated because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

You may be looking for a way to manage your emotions and cultivate a sense of hope for the future. Meditation could be the answer.

Along with listening to podcasts about spirituality and mental health like Lunita, meditation can help you train your brain to focus on the present and let go of your fears about the future.

These tips will help you develop a meditation practice that supports you throughout this pandemic.

The Benefits of Meditation

If you’ve never meditated before, you might be wondering how this practice would actually benefit you.

Finding out how meditation enhances both your mental and physical health can

help you stick with this habit! Healthline states that meditation reduces inflammation in the body, which can help to lower your stress levels. It also eases symptoms of depression.

During the pandemic, many people are struggling (us here at Lunita included!), and meditation is one potential healing technique.

Creating a Space

You’ve decided that you want to try meditation, but where should you sit for your sessions?

To create an at-home meditation space, you may want to declutter and deep clean your home first. You might notice less tension in your home after a thorough cleaning. Opening the windows will help you bring in some positive vibes!

Once you’ve organized your house, you might find that you have more room for a meditation spot than you thought. Architectural Digest recommends placing some houseplants in the space, getting a cozy meditation cushion to support your posture, and even setting up a few crystals for ambiance!

Your First Time Meditating

Choose a time to meditate when you know that you won’t be interrupted. You may want to block off a few minutes in the morning after you wake up or in the evening before bed. Starting or ending your day with meditation can help you establish a healthy routine!

When you're ready, simply begin by sitting down on your mat, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply. Aim to concentrate on your breath while noticing your thoughts as an observer rather than attaching yourself to them.

Address Common Issues

As you meditate, you might occasionally find yourself struggling. Maybe you feel bored. Maybe you seem to get stuck on certain nagging thoughts. Or maybe your mind tends to wander throughout the entire session. To address issues like these, aim to return to your breath while meditating.

When you notice yourself getting lost on a train of thought, bring your attention back to your breathing. And if you need something else to concentrate on, you could try thinking about a particular mantra while you meditate.

Alternatively, you might want to experiment with combining meditation and yoga for a more active practice!

Keeping a Journal

Want to track your progress in meditation and see how your mindset changes as you practice?

Grab a blank notebook and turn it into your meditation journal! You could even develop a soothing ritual that comes after your meditation sessions. Brew a mug of tea, sit down with your notebook, and take some time to decompress, reflect on your session, and think about how you’re feeling. After a few months of meditating, looking back on this journal will be interesting - you’ll see just how far you’ve come!

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a trying time for everyone, and when we can’t turn to our community for support in person, sometimes we have to look inwards. Meditation is an opportunity to do just that. While spending time at home, try incorporating meditation into your life - you’ll notice a positive difference with dedicated practice.

Final Notes

You can learn more about our guest poster, April Meyer, at her website, Mind Body Health Solution.

Remember also to check out the Lunita podcast and blog, and if you have any questions or experiences YOU would like to share, reach out to us on our Instagram or email us at We would love to hear from you.

Wishing you all health, happiness, and love.


©2020 Lunita

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